searching for that perfect shoe

So I spent the day walking down Santee Alley in Downtown L.A with one goal in mind and many distractions. LOL. The goal: finding the perfect pair of shoes for my younger sister's prom dress. But who can walk through an alley filled with shops selling cute clothes, accessories and shoes?! Okay…so maybe I'm just a little bit of a shopaholic. haha 

I woke up this morning filling totally drained…don't know why since I didn't do anything that would result with me feeling tired yesterday. But I was and my body just felt numb to the point I just didn't want to get up. Somehow I managed to get up and shower for the day.

Here's what I wore today. (just a casual outfit).

We did find a cute pair of prom shoes for my sister but sadly there wasn't any in her size. So we're still on the search. Might be heading back to Santee Alley in two weeks to check if the shoes she wanted will be stocked up again. If not…then she'll just have to find some online. Didn't take pictures while I was in Downtown L.A…too distracted by all the cute SHOES!! I did manage to get a pair of really cute creme color jelly shoes. YAY ME!! Definitely have to wear them for the upcoming K-Pop Festival. 

Also saw the strangest thing EVER while walking through Santee Alley. There was a man asking for change and his feet looked like large, swollen hands. I have never seen anything like that before. I wasn't sure if it was real or fake.

Side view…I have so many outfit ideas to pair off with these shoes.

My sister also got some cute shoes

After returning home, we went out to eat at Chipotle and had a little photo shoot. Also checked out our local Forever21 to find accessories that would go with my sister's prom dress. I apologize beforehand…now spamming a few more photos from today's mini shoot. It was really sunny today and hot. 

Favorite spot to take photos. 

I really love this shot. My sister is such a GREAT photographer.

A few good things are starting to happen in my life, though I'm still looking for a new job. Hopefully it's one that's in retail. Been thinking of being a flight attendant. I just want to travel already. 


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